Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Verushka von Lehndorff - A chameleon lost in time

This post is dedicated to one of my favorite models of all time. I have created this post to share what very few people know about Verushka. Not only she was the greatest supermodel of her time and and inspiration for many, she was a pioneer in the art of body painting! 

Around 1966, she started posing nude wearing only body paint covering her entire body. Directing the entire process, she would paint herself as different animals or imaginary creatures, or create a painstaking trompe l’oeil that would allow her to completely disappear into the background. While the work was often published and exhibited, it failed to gain a serious hold in the art world most likely because of the difficulty of getting a model’s own artwork taken seriously.
Here are some pictures of her body-art-photoshoots, that you have to see to believe!

I luckily found a video of her amazing and whimsy work as well. Do have a look!

***This post pretty self-explanatory, so i need not say much!
So, what do you think? ;)
Do comment.

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