Monday, 27 June 2011

Another Great Collaboration!

Alexander McQueen. Spring 2008 RTW.
Headgears by Miliner Philip Treacy. It would be totally wrong to be calling him a miliner! Artist or better a Visionary! To have given the ensemble perfect polish and look, none other than Philip Treacy could've done that!
McQueen was surrounded by a renarkably loyal & remarkably talented team of collaborators for most of his career. Literally at the top: Miliner Philip Tracy!
Be sure to notice the Butterfly headgear by him!

The collaboration that has created wonders...

Late Alexander Mcqueen & Philip Treacy. Geniuses of their kind. Philip Treacy was behind the creation of  the magnificent and misogynous head gears of Alexander McQueen’s Fall 2009 Ready to Wear show.
All the models wore hats that were made of trash-can liners and aluminum cans, or recycled household objects. The headpieces were mostly made of empty soda cans wrapped in black latex with umbrellas strapped to the top. *This was a collection filled with unabashed showmanship with his models painted with bright red sex-doll lips, photographed against a backdrop of a scrap heap of debris.*

(This post is only about the headgears of this show.
Initially i had started out with showing some of  the amazing headgears that Philip Treacy had created, but turned out that this post contained more of Philip Treacy's hats for Lee Alexander Mcqueen.
So, enjoy this post, and more on Philip Treacy, later!)

* next post on another Philip Tracy & Alexander McQueen collaboration! :)

Friday, 24 June 2011

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Masaledar Graffiti - My Bangalore Diaries #1

One night while returning home, I bumped upon this guy who had taken hold of a roadside shop shutter, and with a couple of color cans in his hands, he was happily transforming the metal shutter! With headphones on and music blaring, he was blissfully unaware of the huge crowd that had materialized there (including me). To have around 20-25 people huddled in a corner at 10.30 at night in a deserted alley, is not a common view in the streets in Bangalore. I somehow got the chance to take a few snaps of the artist and his art, before running to catch up with my friends! Take a look.

Verushka von Lehndorff - A chameleon lost in time

This post is dedicated to one of my favorite models of all time. I have created this post to share what very few people know about Verushka. Not only she was the greatest supermodel of her time and and inspiration for many, she was a pioneer in the art of body painting! 

Around 1966, she started posing nude wearing only body paint covering her entire body. Directing the entire process, she would paint herself as different animals or imaginary creatures, or create a painstaking trompe l’oeil that would allow her to completely disappear into the background. While the work was often published and exhibited, it failed to gain a serious hold in the art world most likely because of the difficulty of getting a model’s own artwork taken seriously.
Here are some pictures of her body-art-photoshoots, that you have to see to believe!

I luckily found a video of her amazing and whimsy work as well. Do have a look!

***This post pretty self-explanatory, so i need not say much!
So, what do you think? ;)
Do comment.